
Call Me Crazy

Mischa started eating pureed food almost a month ago and as a result has not been desiring to breast feed as much although she still does about four times a day (before her meals - although I really should start thinking about and doing the reverse...as much as I don't want to just yet). I'm wrestling with the fact that soon she won't want to at all because she'll either be too full or be drinking from a sippy cup or a bottle and not needing me to provide her with sustenance anymore. Call me crazy but I don't want her to wean so soon! I love breastfeeding (didn't think I'd ever say that - but it's true!) and that she depends on me in that way for soothing, comfort, & closeness. I will definitely miss it when she stops. Plus it's super convenient, nutritious, and no prep is required (other than thinking about the type of blouse to wear before going out). For those soon-to-be moms out there reading: breastfeed! Granted, it might be stressful at first when they are learning to latch on and you need to wrap your head around the idea of the little babe sucking milk from you, and it might hurt or tickle initially, but it's worth it. Much more than what the nurses, doctors, or lactation consultants tell you regarding the benefits breastmilk contains, it's a connection with your baby that's like nothing else. If you can and while you can, do it. You won't regret it for a second :-)

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