
It's funny (and somewhat ironic).

Life with a baby has become a manageable and utterly enjoyable routine; and I'm glad for it after the tough beginning of having a baby. Over the past month, Mischa and I (and Dale when he's home) have worked out a predictable pattern of feeding times, napping times, activity times, bedtime, and some spontaneous outings here and there. To say the least, Mischa is a very good baby and we're comfortable. It's a good thing!

Ironically, as I was browsing a few of my previous months' entries I couldn't help but laugh a little at my random vents on how tough Mischa was, how I had such lack of sleep, and how I couldn't get as much done in and around the house as I can now. The ironic thing was, even though I was running on near empty somehow I had the drive, the insight, the passion to blog - and to blog about God's Word (My blog series). And I did just that amidst my crazy days. Not that I don't still have that desire, but it's ironic how now that I'm getting a restful sleep pretty much every night, now that I can let Misch hang out in her crib without attending to her immediately, now that I have legit down time, my efforts to continue my series have dwindled a bit and, I'll admit, some of the passion is gone. Now, when I have a moment I'm washing the dishes (ENDLESS dishes), doing laundry, watching TV, reading, or preparing for Mischa's next meal. Unlike before, I'd be infront of my computer screen itching to write God's newest revelations.

I find the same goes for life. When things are difficult and it is apparent that only by God's strength can we go on, we're all about seeking God, persisting in our prayers, etc. When things are well, we slack off in our pursuit of living in God's presence, pursuit of his will, his answers to prayer. We get comfortable and in that mode easily lose ourselves to complacency.

I'm thankful that in writing this post I've confronted myself with this issue. Onward to change!

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