
Baby Bits

Today marks the beginning of the 25th week of my pregnancy (15 more to go - maybe less!). I never used to understand why my pregnant women friends always counted in weeks instead of months, but being pregnant now it totally makes sense. And if you didn't know, a women is pregnant for 10 months (not 9, unless you understand it to be 9 full months). So, for those who need clarification, I'm in my 6th month of pregnancy. Time has flown by!

Baby is moving A LOT these days – praise God! She startles me with her kicks at times that little “Oh’s!” escape through my breath. It’s a funny sensation, much like when I feel gaseous and my belly makes popping vibrations, except I can feel the kicks on the surface of my skin and today, for the first time, I saw my belly move! Dale missed it, though. He sat and started at the spot I saw her move for a good 35 seconds but didn’t catch her. Too bad for him!

1 comment:

Rach said...

how exciting Deedee....nice to read your blogs again....I've missed blogging too...haha!