
I hate boredom at work. Which RARELY ever occurs because my job is the total opposite of everything that defines boredom...except when school's out, all your marking is done, you don't have any exam supervision scheduled, there's no planning to do, and no one to talk to. Then school can be boring. But I get paid, so I won't complain. I'm very fortunate to have a job that 1) I love, and 2) I don't get bored at. There's always stuff to do (which can be the crappy part of the job at times!).

So here I am at work, bored. So I decided to blog since it's been ages and I have a few things to vent out (and, sadly, no one really to vent to). What are blogs for in one's time of need?

Vent #1: What is up with the weather? I thought we left Vancouver IN Vancouver. For you Calgarians (ie. Mark), you know what I'm talking about!

Vent #2: Why does this city's board of education suck? I may not find out where I'll be next year until the first day of school.

Vent #3: I need a vacation. In response to this, praise the Lord I'm getting one in 23 days! Mayan Riviera here we come!

Vent #4: For the first time since I've been serving in ministry, I feel suppressed and discouraged (as opposed to empowered and encouraged). I guess that's what happens when God is put in a box labelled "One Size Only".

Vent #5: How can we be the light of God's love to the lost when God's love is lost in our own churches?

Vent #6: The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. This isn't so much a vent (although for some, it may be)as it is an observation of life in the last few months.

In spite of my hardship, I give thanks to the Lord because I am learning to lay all of my burdens, worries, and care at His feet. And leave them there. There is the temptation to pick them up again after laying them on the altar perhaps because of the fear that He might do something with them that we don't like, or worse, do nothing at all. Well, even so, what would carrying it again accomplish? The Word tells us to cast our cares on Him because He cares for us. Our limited and finite perception of things should cause us to look up at the One who sees all and knows all, and to trust that He has our best interests (although not the most comfortable interests) in mind.

This past weekend, we went to Edmonton for the annual BGCA conference. I always love going to Edmonton because it's home to people that I love and my beloved LGI church family. I wish Edmonton and Calgary were as far away from each other as Surrey and Coquitlam because then we'd be able to fellowship more often. But I thank God for the times that we do, because I cherish them. I am always humbled and amazed at how God transforms lives and reconciles people back to himself. And I am encouraged when I hear and see churches committed to outreach, to building up the body of Christ, and to serving one another in love. That is why the church exists.

It's sad when politics, preferences, and personal agendas destroy churches and relationships. That is a prime example of making Kingdom work about us (as we tend to do) and not about the King. But I know that ultimately the Lord's churches will prevail against the deception and scheming of the Enemy. And I believe that what is from man and not from God will fail. I only pray that humilty would come to the proud before the Lord bends their knees.

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