
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day! It's nice to finally see some sought-after sunny days in this city. Unfortunately, I can't fully enjoy the sun cooped up in my classroom, but it makes the view outside my window very pleasant (and I can wear shorts!). Anyway, here I am again blogging from school. My course exams have all been written and I've finished marking one class set of exams and am half way through another set (I have three total). I don't want to finish too quickly and then having nothing to do for the next week and a half! I'm actually quite enjoying the marking since it's their final exam and I all I gotta do is slap on a number as opposed to correct and comment. That makes my job easier.

I thoroughly enjoyed my Grade 11s this semester. There were some brilliant (and not so brilliant) kids in my class that I would love to know 5 years from now what they pursued after high school. Challenges of all sorts come with the job, but at the end of each day I always feel blessed to be a teacher and to have the opportunity to spend my day with young people (as immature, annoying, and dramatic 'smart alecs' as they can be at times). I am looking forward to really planning effective units that the Lord can use to reveal Himself and His design of life to my students.

So, amidst the easier days at work Dale and I have been house hunting. We saw this nice and new single family house in the new community of Evanston yesterday and, being new at the house hunting business and anxious to get a place and thoroughly impressed with the interior design and decoration of the current owners, we were sold. We made an offer last night (a good 15K less than the selling price, which was just newly reduced 15K) but probably won't get it. We're still waiting to hear back from our realtor. Another offer was made this morning, which was probably better than ours. In any case, we aren't worried or restless. That's the result of trust in the Lord. We know and believe that God's plan for us will prevail if and when we actively seek and trust Him. I'll keep you posted on the house hunt.

Back to marking...

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