
The Exciting News

Say hello to our new house!

Now it's the beginning of real, real life: Paying a mortgage and bills of all kinds! I'm excited (not for the bills part). It's gonna be a whole new adventure for us, and I can't iterate enough how faith-stretching I know it will be as well (it has already been that and we haven't even moved in yet!). The details are almost completely finalized, but it's safe to say that this will be our humble abode for the next 5-10 years...until our family gets too big and we outgrow the place!

So that's the exciting news. No, I'm not pregnant! (Yet) One blessing at a time =)


tim said...

Does this mean that I can come visit you in Calgary now!?

I'm so excited for both of you!

Dez said...

It's beautful Deeds! can't wait to see what it looks like inside! =) so happy for you guys! Thank God for this wonderful blessing.

Lori Aguinaldo said...

beautiful house, ate deeds. where abouts in calgary is it? guess i'll have to come visit next time i'm in the city.. which, as you know, is pretty often ;-) lol

Anonymous said...

ooo congrats on your new home! When's the posession date? Now I can invite myself to your house ;)

Anonymous said...

DEEEDS! not sure if you got our phone call yesterday....but i'm gonna spam everything to make sure you get the "HAAAAAPPPY BIRRRTHDAY" (yesterday) msg! bwaha...anyways, i thought you guys were gonna come down to edmonton?! whatever happened to that huuuh!? anyways...hope it was a gooder! love you!

Hanster said...

Deedster! It's been a while since I've read your blog. I saw the picture of your house for the first time today. That is so exciting! Praise the Lord for this blessing. May I also add that you write very well, and not only that, the things that you write about are very encouraging.