
Gone tomorrow

I consider it a miracle that I've been alive for the past 25 years, knowing that at any time the Lord can take me home. I'm reminded of the (in)stability of life - here today, gone tomorrow. The Bible uses the illustration of life as a vapor or a mist that appears for a while, and then as quickly as it arrived, vanishes. Believer or not, we will all one day face the end of our life here on earth; we will (if we haven't already) one day confront the death of someone dear to us. It's just a matter of time. All things considered, how does the knowledge of inevitable death at any time impact how we live life while we're still here? Rather, how should this knowledge affect our decisions, interactions, perspective? I know that for me, the Lord is teaching me to take for granted LESS the people he has placed in my life and has given to me to love with His love. My husband is only one example, and perhaps the most important person God has given to me. I'm going to be honest. I complain, I nag, I set at times unattainable expectations (that I can't even meet), and what happens? I end up angry, confused, and disappointed most of the time. I overlook what, and who, I have in favor of what I hope to have. In His own way, God has gently been telling me to appreciate, respect, and lavish with love the man I have today because he may not be here tomorrow.

God is sovereign in His actions, that is a sure thing. Although we may not always understand the whys of this life, we can and should put our trust, hope, and faith in the Author of life. Thank you, Lord, that you know all things and you love all those you have made. You give and you take away. Help me, by your Spirit, to trust you still when you choose to take away.

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