
Moving Week...

T-3 days left in this beautiful city. I don't know what the "T" in that popular phrase even means. Does it mean "time"? Someone, enlighten me. Anyway, here's a quick post before I crash for the night. Firstly, belated Happy Resurrection to all. I say that because it needs to be said for what it is. Christ resurrected three days after he died and remains alive to this day! What glorious hope we have in our God because of what Christ accomplished on the cross and through His resurrection: the forgiveness of our sin, the blotting out of our transgressions, reconciliation with God, victory over death, hope when all seems lost, new life! This is just to name a few. Isn't it remarkable how such a holiday has made its way onto the calendar? God did not want us (believer or not) to forget what He did for us. And each year we are invited to remember corporately (although hopefully we remember daily) and perhaps for some, believe for the first time. Well, it's true whether you believe it or not. And one has nothing to lose by believing and everything to gain!

So Dale and I are spending the last few nights at his parents house since our place is pretty much packed up...well, almost there. It's taking longer than I had anticipated. Probably because I didn't think I'd have so many odds and ends here and there to (aka. junk) that needed to be sorted and gotten rid of. But we're well on our way in terms of packing up. My Dad is flying in on Thursday to help us drive the U-haul to Calgary. People have been asking me "How do you feel about moving?" To answer: I am sad. Moving away from people and places you know and love is never easy and I am definitely going to miss it here. At the same time, I am confident in where God is leading us and what He will do and accomplish in and through us. I don't have doubts but I do have some fears that I have been committing to God. I know that He is in control.

Tonight Dale and I had dinner at Provence, this Mediterranean grill close to UBC. It was basically fine dining because the food was not cheap. Lucky for us, we didn't have to pay a cent (except for tip!). His uncle is the head chef there and for a while now he's been inviting us to come and dine at his restaurant. So tonight we headed over there not knowing what to expect but just knowing that Tito Essex is a superb chef (he always cooks for Dale's family gatherings). To say the least, the food was excellent. It was a six course meal compliments of Tito Essex (he put his own little twist on some of the dishes) and I took pictures of every dish but unfortunately, can't upload them right now but I will later! They will make you drool. It was soo good. So good. Down to the very last bite of dessert! If you've never been, I suggest you pay a visit. It's a bit pricey but it will definitely be worth it.

I think I'm going to head to bed now. I've been making a habit of sleeping late these days when I want to wake up early, and then when I wake up the whole morning has almost gone by! Goodnight folks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Post the pictures!