
Change happens.

I have a hard time accepting change and it's annoying sometimes. I was probably worse before but I still see that side of me surface when circumstances change unexpectedly. But I am (slowly) learning to let go and not always feel like I need to be in control. Because ultimately, I don't. Or I do to an extent, but God always has the final word. It's not what you think, because I know some of you might be thinking that I'm referring to our relocation to Calgary. Well, it has a tiny part to do with it. The moving part. Up until very late last night we had a set plan for moving our stuff over there. Then something unexpected happened and we panicked. We prayed for God's wisdom and direction in the matter, but I didn't leave room for the alternative to what I was anticipating would happen. Like I said, I dislike change, especially in situations where I've planned and prepared for something in advance with expectations for results according to my planning and preparation. In my mind, although the players would change the game would still be the same. Has that ever happened to you? You pray for wisdom but in your mind you presume to know what to do? That happens to me from time to time, and I still fall into the trap that things need to happen my way.

I'm thankful for a very patient and loving husband. Even though there are times when I know he knows whats in our better interest, he still lets me get my way. I put up pretty convincing (often attitude-filled) arguments that are really my tool of manipulation! Today, after we had our bout of disagreement (although it really wasn't disagreement but just me being whiny about having to change what was originally planned) I apologized to him for the way I had acted and gave him permission to put his foot down when I become uncooperative for dumb reasons ;P

To shorten the story, I didn't get my way. It's humbling but at the same time, God is teaching me where to let go and submit and I know that my character is being sharpened, changed, stretched. That's what matters.

We're still leaving tomorrow but it won't be with a U-haul filled with our stuff. Just us and our CRV and everything we can cram into it that we would need immediately.

Please pray for our drive! See you in Calgary. ;P

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