
the beginning and the end

every so often i can't help myself when a familiar face, location, smell, or photo sends me down memory lane and then into utter sadness at how life has changed from being simple to more complex. during these moments tears escape me and i lament everything and nothing all at once. i miss people, places, events, laughter, closeness, being young, and carefree. i miss having no (or less) responsiblity, (ironically) a curfew, parents telling me i'm grounded, sibling rivalry, mom's filipino cooking, dinner around the table, my family. maybe i just miss my family, hehe. yes. and no. i think it's deeper than that. if one thing is for sure in this life, it's that it's in constant motion. people who were in your life five years ago are probably not today, at least not to the degree they were. and if they aren't today, does that mean they weren't really "in" your life to begin with? i'm not sure.

the beginning and the end. i've almost reached the end of my journey as a university student and pre-service teacher; and yet, it is a continuation of my life as a student (as we are constantly learning) and the beginning of my professional career as a teacher. it's pretty scary when i think about it. i think that's partly why i have these emotional bouts of "times past." life is moving forward and parts of me want it to stay as it is, or misses the way it was. in any case, i'm growing up and there's nothing i can do about it!


okay, no more wallowing. don't get me wrong; i am grateful to the Lord for His faithfulness in every aspect of my life and i'm excited for the future...

maybe it's my time of the month ;)


AIR said...

thats why we gotta "cherish the moment" when we can..because we never know when things can change.

sometimes, i wonder why i even bother getting so close to people...because theres always that chance of things changing or friendships drifting in the end...BUT then again, there's no fear in love. and its worth that risk because what if it doesn't change?! hmmm...to me, people who have impacted my life in some way (big or small) were in my life to begin with...because i believe that God has a purpose of who He decides to cross paths..no matter how long the duration of years/months or even hours they spend together. but i dont know, am i thinking craziness!? anyways, i'm talking weird...

guess what i found? i found old emails that you sent me...like long time ago...for some reason, i saved my emails back then! haha

anyways..what email address are you actually using right now?!

o gosh...this comment is so random..maybe its cuz is 2 in the AM right now...haha..k..love you!

Rach said...

hey deedz. i totally feel ya on this blog!!!! i look at my photo albums i think once a month & wonder "oh those good ol days" & now we're entering "careers". embrace change, even when it's hard at times. i hope the Lord will continue to comfort you thru the adjustments. we're also a block away if u ever wanna chill (coz the ner household is the chill/snack/movie/cardgame party!). i totally know what to get you for ur bday! i hope no one gets the duplicate of it, hehe

Markus said...

Ahh you have join the blogger community. Nice.