
Five years ago today...

I married my best friend. Today, although we have experienced our share of hardship and quarrels, challenges and joys (what's a marriage without them?), I can say in all honesty that it doesn't feel like five years (more like twenty! haha just kidding). What I mean to say is that since marrying Dale, life has not dragged on cumbersomely, boringly, or dispassionately as the years have added to our journey as a married couple. Yes, as in any marriage there are the down times, the lack of communication times, the both stupid and valid quarrel times, the disagreements, the annoyance, the tears. But in and through these times there has been the love, the laughter, and the mystery of our budding and continually growing romance. We often joke (sometimes seriously) about how different we are, and yet how God planned our lives to intertwine.

I am thankful for the last five years. My pride has been broken time and again and I am continually learning what it means to love as Jesus loves us, and to be a wife who honors and respects her man. It's a humbling process but one that I am glad to take part in with the man God designed to be my partner in life.

"Til' death do us part."

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