
2 Months Ago...

My baby girl was born - she's growing so fast! There are so many things I am learning about her and loving about her as we spend the days together. She smiles so much now, coos and tries to engage in baby talk with Dale and I, and is becoming more aware of her surroundings, voices, and faces. This journey of motherhood has definitely taken a turn since the beginning and I can honestly say I am loving it! I say "honestly" because, as you would have read from my previous post on how much life has changed, I honestly didn't love it in the beginning. And by beginning I mean the first few weeks. Although I anticipated change, I didn't expect the overwhelm of emotions (mostly frustration, anxiety, and sadness) and that coupled with a difficult recovery (I didn't fully physically heal until 4ish weeks) didn't lead to love. There were times early on where I felt like Mischa didn't like me. Probably because I didn't know how to console her when she was crying, or to fully meet her needs, or even what she needed when she was crying. But thankfully that has changed, as I knew it would eventually. It's true what they say - it gets better! I can only imagine how much better it's going to get from here.

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