
Winter Break

It's almost here. Two more days until my two week holiday. My much needed holiday. Being pregnant is finally catching up with me (aka. I'm tired). The pregnancy has been going surprisingly well so far. The first trimester was the worst, but only because I was super tired especially when I got home from work - like really tired. Like so tired I didn't want to get up off the couch and get myself a drink of water. My body just felt heavy (even though I didn't start showing until about a month or so ago) and I felt extremely lethargic. It's been a lot better since that 13 week hump, but I've always been one to be on the go and because I'm usually really busy working when I'm at work, I never feel the effects on my body until I get home. In short, I'm thankful for the break ahead.

My homeroom had a Secret Santa gift exchange today. It was their idea (I love them) and almost everyone participated which was nice to see. The hilarious moment of the exchange gift is noted below:

Vlad: "Mrs. Balce, someone gave me alcoholic chocolates!"
Me (gesturing to see the box in his hands): "What? Let me see that."
Me (reading the box): "Brandy Chocolates. 4.9% alcohol content. That's hilarious! Do you know who your Secret Santa is?" (Because in grade 7, it is very difficult to keep things to yourself)
Vlad: "Yeah. It was Simon."
Me (to Simon): "Simon! Why did you give him alcholic chocolates?"
Simon: "I didn't know there was alcohol in them. My mom got it and wrapped it for me."


I'm still trying to figure that out.

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