

You know what that means. Monday is just around the corner =( Don't get me wrong; I love my job and I really do enjoy working 5 days a week. But after basking in a week off, the prospect of getting up once again at 6am is daunting. I managed to leave all efforts to do some productive planning to this weekend (bad idea) so now I can't enjoy the last few hours of freedom in freedom. But then again, "freedom" and "teaching" is an oxymoron that has never really existed and probably never will.

I have a dentist appointment today at 1pm. It's been a long time since I've seen the dentist. So long, in fact, that I'm too embarrassed to say how long (or it's been that long that I don't even remember!). Apparently, the clinic is super high tech. Dale texted me while he was at the dentist (cuz his appointment was earlier this morning) to say that his chair was giving him a massage!

I've had a challenging thought-life this week. God has really been testing my thoughts and I've found myself meditating on one of David's prayers in the psalms that asks God to search him and know his thoughts, to see if there is any wicked way in him and to lead him in the way everlasting. The mind is really the control-center of our actions. What we choose to think about (or maybe not even choose, but allow our minds to entertain) can have a direct impact on our actions, an impact which can ultimately build up or destroy us and those around us. I'm thankful, though, that in the midst of this struggle, God provides a way for us to stand up from under it - we need only seek Him, choose Him, love Him above all.

Anyway, gotta get back to planning. At least the weather isn't utterly gorgeous that I feel bad I'm not enjoying it today!


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