
Dabbling in DLE, D2L, Dee2 (wait, that's me!)

I never knew how much I really loved teaching (the classroom, the students, the human face-to-face interaction, the planning and prepping - yes, even that!) until now. I have spent the past four days in front of a computer screen getting acquainted with the online learning environment that our board of education supports. If I had only known in advance what this job would entail (except, how could I know because those above me - my supervisors, principal, etc. didn't even know) I probably would have reconsidered. The honest truth is that I am not really qualified for this job. I'm probably only qualified in the category of "hardworking, organized, and likes Spanish" whereas what I'm doing and preparing to do demands someone who is bilingual, tech saavy, and confident in this kind of work. I am none of those things. Why am I here? I really don't know. I blame everything entirely on God. Like I mentioned in my last post, He allowed me to be here. Actually, He literally - with his ginormous God arms - picked me up and put me in this position. And here I am. And who knows, it may be the best thing that could happen to my career but right now, I beg to differ.

So here I am sitting in front of my lap top in a cubicle with a dangerously steep learning curve to overcome. I know it's an impossible feat without the wisdom, knowledge, and guidance of God.

Hmmmm...that's probably why I'm here, isn't it?

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