
Albert Einsten was once quoted as saying, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Isn't he right? Wishful thinking is exactly that: thinking. It's not doing or changing, it's merely thinking. And although I contend that thinking is where change begins, it's not where change is supposed to stay, or end for that matter. It's in the doing that the difference enters. The same is true for the faith-lived life. Christians struggle with almost everything under the sun; and although I'm sure many want and hope to change, few actually do something about it. Essentially, change is faith-led but action-based. "Faith without deeds is dead." I had a difficult time understanding that verse when I was younger, but now it makes complete sense. How can we say we "have faith" when our actions or deeds completely disregard or ignore or subvert the faith we say we have? How can "faith" really be considered "faith" when it shows no warrant in our actions, whatever "actions" entails? It can't and it's not.

It's been quite a while since I've been here recording my "notes" on this life journey of mine. I guess you could say I've been busy (err.. indifferent to blogging). So I can't promise (to myself or to any remaining avid blog readers out there) that I'll be back any time soon. But, I'm here now so I may as well write words worth the time I'm spending here as opposed to doing more important things.

Or not.

Let's see. Since my last post I have:

- gotten a tattoo
- become a vegetarian
- broken a bone for the first time in my life
- eaten McDonalds everyday for pretty much a whole week (those darn coupons!!!)
- been the object of racial attacks
- acquired a new position at work
- gotten a new camera
- gone snowboarding (twice!) since 2007

Yes I know, not very exciting. I was joking about the first three. I could never get a tattoo because I'd probably grow another keyloid (RIP Kelly - March 2006) and we don't want that happening again. I could never become a vegetarian because I love meat too much. I haven't broken a bone yet but every time I stub my little toe I feel like I'm one step closer.

Probably the most exciting event up there is that Dale and I ate McDonalds for dinner pretty much an entire week because of those '2 Can Dine' and 'Buy One Get One' coupons. The most interesting would have to go to both 5 and 6. Five is a long story but six I can talk briefly about. Basically, I need to utilize the limited Spanish knowledge I currently have to develop a new curriculum that our school is implementing starting September. That's pretty much the jist of my new position. I'm taking an Adult Ed Spanish Conversation class right now to get myself into the habit of speaking. I can't even say "speaking again" because I never really spoke it except during the two courses in university that I took 4 years ago. I'm also hoping to spend a few weeks in Spain this summer immersing myself in the culture and language in preparation for what I will be doing in September. We will see how that pans out. All I know is that God got me into this (REALLY), so I'm expecting Him to get me through it. Talk about faith. I'm living in it right now!!!

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