
My heart is heavy. We hear devastating global news every day but of course, when it concerns people you know, love, trust, admire, the impact is far greater. I don't discount what has been said and taught because I know it was the Word of God and it blessed me, built me up, spoke wisdom into my life. As much as we cannot underestimate the power of God, we cannot underestimate the lengths to which the Enemy will go to deceive and destroy even the brightest, most committed. Let this be a warning that no one is exempt - regardless of status, maturity, age - from deception in any form. We must guard our hearts above all because it is the wellspring of life.

1 comment:

Lori Aguinaldo said...

Hey Ate Deeds! All settled in Calgary now? Guess what! I applied for a job at my Uncle's engineering office in downtown. If I get the job, I'll be living in NW Calgary for 3-4 months!!