

Six days of sickness and counting. It caught me by surprise because I rarely get sick! At first, I didn't mind it because feeling feverish and complaining of the onset of a sore throat turned my husband into the most caring man ever! He cooked, cleaned, and answered my every beckon. Then the dry coughing and hacking started. Then he caught it. Then came the sleepless nights entertained by the chorus of "Cough and Hack", me the melody and Dale the harmony. Then we were both miserably sick. Still are, just minus the miserable. I have a respiratory infection among other things. We're better today than in the past six days, but hey, being sick together is better than being sick alone and envying the other's health! I'm not looking forward to sleeping though. Why? Because I've been coughing so hard it keeps me awake. I get a tickle in my throat and it's over for me. My asthma has only aggravated my cough to the point where I can't even breathe properly when I'm coughing. I just want this sickness to be over!

I need to pause to hack and spit. //PAUSE//

I just ate an orange creamsicle. Creamsicles are good. I haven't had much of an appetite lately. When you're sick food doesn't taste the same. In fact, it doesn't have much taste. Like right before my creamsicle I had a deep dish pizza, but it totally did not grab me like it normally does. It just tasted like tomato sauce and salt. Sucks. I think the only thing I really enjoyed eating this week was shrimp fried rice . Dale and I were craving corn soup and fried rice on Thursday. Since we were too weak to cook anything for ourselves (and surprisingly, strong enough to drive over to the restaurant and pick up our food) and it was Thursday (Takeout Thursday is takeout day) we decided on Chinese and boy, was it good. I think it tasted so good only because we were craving it.

I am definitely thankful for the strength God has supplied me with this week amidst this dreadful cough and cold. At times like this, there is the temptation to give in to the helplessness of my physical estate, even though I know I'm not completely helpless and can do things, as bad as my cough is. Of course, when I really can't function properly because my body is weak, I have to give in. And I do. But sometimes "being sick" can be an excuse to evade stuff, and I'll admit to using it as a cover sometimes. But God always gives me extraordinary strength to do what He has called me to do.

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