
Food for thought....literally and figuratively!

Lately, I've been totally diggin' deep dish pizzas from Costco. I think they are a Sabatorini brand or something like that. Regardless, they are just so good. I don't think I will ever get sick of them *cross my fingers* But I won't be surprised if one of these days I do because I've been eating them like every other day! The only downer is that every time I eat one I always burn the roof of my mouth because I can't wait for it to cool before I start eating it. And, and I'm being literal here, I savor every single delicious bite of sausage-cheese-green pepper goodness. I honestly take my time chewing and biting and biting and chewing. Just like I do when I eat mini eggs. I love mini eggs. They are my utmost favorite chocolate any time of the year, any day of the week, after any meal. Hands down.

Yes, food is good. But as Jesus said, "Man cannot live on bread alone..."

I don't really consider myself a "smart" person. And by smart I mean academically, since that is the measurement of intelligence these days. When I think of smart, I usually think of doctors and nurses. Maybe because they deal with the human body, something I can't easily explain or understand. But I also think of historians and professors, those who study literature and can speak in highly structured forms and conjure literary conundrums. Either way, my personal definition of "smart" always has something to do with being super analytical and well-spoken, and I know that lot of other professions fall into that mix (don't get offended now! ;P). Even though I often awe and, I confess, a tad bit envy those considered intelligent by academic proportions, I have become all the more convinced that intelligence is nothing compared to wisdom and both are not of the same vein. One can be smart or intelligent and yet a fool in God's eyes. Likewise, one can be wise and yet "dumb" by the world's standards. You may be smart, but a fool; or wise, but considered stupid.

"The foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God stronger than man's strength."

What's more...

"For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us. This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words. The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned."

And lastly,

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."

While intelligence is nurtured in education and academics in our day and age, wisdom is begot by a reverent fear of God. While intelligence rationalizes wrong-doing and self-centered gain, wisdom admits when it has acted otherwise and cares for the hurts of others in the process. While intelligence says, "I'll believe God when I see God", wisdom says, "I'll live by faith because there is nothing to lose." While intelligence boasts in its rewards and acclaim, wisdom is humble. What does it have to boast when it is Christ's reward? While intelligence retaliates when it's fur coat of pride is jeered at (or competed with!), wisdom is grateful for each kink in its armor. While intelligence hopes for the best when it encounters something it cannot fix or change, wisdom prays without ceasing. While intelligence says "Why is this happening to me? I'm a good person. I shouldn't be suffering like this?!", wisdom cries, "Lord, what are you teaching me? How do you want to change me? Help me to trust in you!"

If the things that come from God, revealed through His Word, are foolishness to us, then maybe we do not have the Spirit of God, as Paul states. If we, having professed to be His followers, do not accept the rebuke or conviction that the Spirit gives and much more, continue in disobedience and sin and reject correction, then it is likely that we are not genuine, true believers in Jesus Christ, as Paul reveals. Of course, don't get me wrong. I am not talking about perfection here but rather, humility. We all experiences struggles in our journey of sanctification because our human nature is what it is - human. And it will resist change. But what counts is a life willing to be changed, desiring and striving for a Spirit-led, Spirit-filled existence with abandon and free from rationalization.

I've heard the saying "You can't judge me" one too many times. What does that even mean and why do people resort to that statement as a weak defense? What is one defending? Or rather, rationalizing? Truth be told, "The spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself is not subject to any man's judgment: 'For who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him?'

Likewise, "For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."

Doesn't God's Word just paint a clear picture of wisdom for you? It does for me. And as I continue to journey with my God, the picture becomes even more clearer. And what's more, I'm a part of the painting because my life is hidden in Christ and Christ's life is in God.

Blessed hope!!!


Hey Beautiful Day!

I will miss these warm sunny days. I miss them when all we see is rain every day. After a morning of spiritual refreshment, we're out to enjoy the sunshine...and run some errands. I'm not a fan of running errands because they just remind me of how I'm getting old and that I need to keep track of bills. Oh the life of an adult. So many things to do so little time. We hope to get a chance to enjoy the city that we are leaving behind, especially because we are leaving it behind. I think when we visit from time to time, that is when we will actually take advantage of what Vancouver has to offer. We always stay in sucky Surrey ;P

Blog more later. Enjoy the day in Christ!


¡Hola! So since my last post I've acquired a part time position teaching none other than EspaƱol 9 y 10 at at high school near our place. If I bust out some Spanish forms in my writing, you'll know why! It was pretty unexpected and totally caught me off guard but since it wasn't full time and not English (I figured I'd still have a life for the last two months that we're here) I accepted the offer. Last week, I was scheduled to TOC for a Spanish teacher that I had been in for once last semester at this school. Turns out she was on a leave of absence from full time teaching and can only teach part time. Second semester started last Monday and two of her classes had to have substitutes because they hadn't hired anyone for the position. Apparently, no one applied for it; Spanish teachers are hard to come by. So I came in and when the admin found I out could speak Spanish (to some extent) they asked me if I'd be willing to take on the position until I move. So I said yes and here I am. Week 2 has just finished and I hope the kids are learning something! Hahaha It's been fun. I love Spanish! I'm not fluent but I like to think I have a convincing accent. When I think through what I want to say before I say it, I think I come across as sounding close to fluent. It's so bad! I'm technically not even qualified to teach it but from what I've been hearing, a lot of language teachers aren't and just do because there's a need! The Modern Languages department head teaches four blocks of French and can't really speak French (so I've heard). Anyhow, Spanish 9 is beginner and Spanish 10 is just a step up...so far I haven't had huge issues with the teaching since it's just been basic grammar and thematic vocabulary. My memory of my high school Spanish classes have helped me a lot in planning for dynamic yet essential grammar and vocab lessons. Kudos to Ms. Rossi (turned Mrs. Gallo) for doing a fine job of making Spanish one of my favorite classes in high school!

It's another dreary day here in Vancouver. Surrey. Hace mal tiempo :( The both good and crappy thing about the school I'm currently teaching at is that they have two insane 2 1/2 hour blocks on Fridays but the school day ends at 2:10. There are only three blocks a day during the week, with the last block of the day being a little less than 2 hours long. It's such a weird system and I'm not yet quite used to it (I don't know how the students can be either!). It's waaaaay too long. I'm currently supervising an IT class right now. My Spanish 10 class was this morning and the school asked me to cover for a teacher for the afternoon so here I am fervently awaiting the day to be over. Half the students aren't even working (how can you when there's a computer right in front of you and access to facebook and online games?) and I'm too lazy to be the disciplinarian today. Plus, they're seniors. And we all know how hard it is to tell 16 year olds what to do. Especially during the last block of the day. Especially since I'm a substitute. So I'm just watching the clock tick away. Forty five more minutes!!! :(((

Valentine's day was fun this year. For a number of reasons. Some of which shall remain anonymous ;P Dale cooked me a grand feast of greens (including porchetta (sp?), asparagus, roasted tomatoes y fresh parmesan), rib eye steak, garlic prawns, and mashed potatoes (which I made, hehe). I brought some for lunch today. It was MmmMmm good. I'm lazy to cook but I love to eat. I'm lucky that Dale loves cooking and cooking new things. We went to Chapters last week so that he could check out some cook books. We sat in Starbucks reading, Dale with his four different cook books and me with my entertainment magazines and books about brain teasers. And I'm supposed to be an English teacher?!?!

I just looked up from the screen to see five students playing Tetris, two on Facebook, two actually doing work, a few surfing the net, and the rest listening to music on their computers. Should I say something, do something, get mad? Hmm. Ok, back to my blog. WELL, they know what they have due on Monday that they should be working on. They know if they are passing/failing the class...I'm a terrible substitute!

Fine. I'll go do my rounds! Thirty minutes to go!


I thought I'd write a few lines before the day is done. I didn't have work today which worked out nicely for me considering I didn't feel like going in to work today. Instead I went to the gym (first time in almost two months!!!) and then grocery shopping. My crazy work schedule of the past weeks didn't give me time to go to the gym so I was happy that this morning I could and did. I spent a good hour and a half at the grocery store afterwards, taking my time looking at random stuff that I didn't end up buying, but buying stuff that we needed. We have couples' bible study at our house tonight and I've decided to make tacos! I wanted to make my version of "macho nachos" but unfortunately, our oven isn't working. Correction. HASN'T worked for the past seven months. Not because it can't be fixed but because my husband has not made any attempt to try to get it fixed. It's been an annoying to-do item that has come up time and again with nothing done. And what would be the use now since we're moving out soon! At least we have a toaster oven. That has been my saving grace. Argh. I get so mad thinking about what we could make (and the amount we could be making) if we only had a functionable oven. ANYWAY.

I'm going to start cooking in a bit. I've spent the afternoon doing my "Believing God" study and watching Beth Moore on DVD. That woman is a blessing. The Lord has used her to speak His truth into the lives of so many women (mine included) and it just brings me to tears what He imparts through her life and her testimony. I'm really excited to see her live at the end of this month. The women at our church are attending a conference at the Pacific Coliseum where she'll be speaking. I'm looking forward to a powerful, God-filled time. I'm also excited to bring this study to Calgary. I've shared with my Mom about how this study has been enlightening the eyes of my heart and mind to God's truth and BELIEVING God's truth in its entirety for my life, and she's excited to do the study and have the women at their church do it as well. I'm praying for direction and a pure heart.

I have had to bear witness to some very terrible news in the last week and I covet your prayers. My cousin was involved and charged with a crime that resulted in the loss of a young teenage boy's life. We (as in my relatives, his family, the community) don't know the facts yet and are waiting on the results of DNA testing and further analysis of evidence, but he has been identified in the media as the one to blame. What has happened is both a shock and a tragedy, but I believe with all my heart that the Lord can allow good to come from something so horrible as this. Please pray for the truth to be brought to light and that justice will be served. That said, please also pray that the Lord would have mercy on my cousin and that he will be found innocent of the charges against him. Please also pray for the family who lost a loved one to this violence.

We hear and read news every day that is tragic more than it is uplifting. Death is plastered all over the TV and newspaper, whether it be death from gang violence, murder, rape, suicide, or accidental death. We are almost desensitized to its existence in our communities and often gloss over what we already know because it happens so often. But when you know the person(s) involved, whether victim or assailant, it changes everything. You feel pain and sorrow, anger and rage, sadness and remorse. I know I feel these things. Even though I don't know the facts, I know my cousin and it is so hard to believe that he could have been capable of doing what he is charged with doing. We need answers, Lord. You are a God of justice but also a God of love and forgiveness. I pray for Your will to be done in this.

That's all I have to blog about today.