
I thought I'd write a few lines before the day is done. I didn't have work today which worked out nicely for me considering I didn't feel like going in to work today. Instead I went to the gym (first time in almost two months!!!) and then grocery shopping. My crazy work schedule of the past weeks didn't give me time to go to the gym so I was happy that this morning I could and did. I spent a good hour and a half at the grocery store afterwards, taking my time looking at random stuff that I didn't end up buying, but buying stuff that we needed. We have couples' bible study at our house tonight and I've decided to make tacos! I wanted to make my version of "macho nachos" but unfortunately, our oven isn't working. Correction. HASN'T worked for the past seven months. Not because it can't be fixed but because my husband has not made any attempt to try to get it fixed. It's been an annoying to-do item that has come up time and again with nothing done. And what would be the use now since we're moving out soon! At least we have a toaster oven. That has been my saving grace. Argh. I get so mad thinking about what we could make (and the amount we could be making) if we only had a functionable oven. ANYWAY.

I'm going to start cooking in a bit. I've spent the afternoon doing my "Believing God" study and watching Beth Moore on DVD. That woman is a blessing. The Lord has used her to speak His truth into the lives of so many women (mine included) and it just brings me to tears what He imparts through her life and her testimony. I'm really excited to see her live at the end of this month. The women at our church are attending a conference at the Pacific Coliseum where she'll be speaking. I'm looking forward to a powerful, God-filled time. I'm also excited to bring this study to Calgary. I've shared with my Mom about how this study has been enlightening the eyes of my heart and mind to God's truth and BELIEVING God's truth in its entirety for my life, and she's excited to do the study and have the women at their church do it as well. I'm praying for direction and a pure heart.

I have had to bear witness to some very terrible news in the last week and I covet your prayers. My cousin was involved and charged with a crime that resulted in the loss of a young teenage boy's life. We (as in my relatives, his family, the community) don't know the facts yet and are waiting on the results of DNA testing and further analysis of evidence, but he has been identified in the media as the one to blame. What has happened is both a shock and a tragedy, but I believe with all my heart that the Lord can allow good to come from something so horrible as this. Please pray for the truth to be brought to light and that justice will be served. That said, please also pray that the Lord would have mercy on my cousin and that he will be found innocent of the charges against him. Please also pray for the family who lost a loved one to this violence.

We hear and read news every day that is tragic more than it is uplifting. Death is plastered all over the TV and newspaper, whether it be death from gang violence, murder, rape, suicide, or accidental death. We are almost desensitized to its existence in our communities and often gloss over what we already know because it happens so often. But when you know the person(s) involved, whether victim or assailant, it changes everything. You feel pain and sorrow, anger and rage, sadness and remorse. I know I feel these things. Even though I don't know the facts, I know my cousin and it is so hard to believe that he could have been capable of doing what he is charged with doing. We need answers, Lord. You are a God of justice but also a God of love and forgiveness. I pray for Your will to be done in this.

That's all I have to blog about today.

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