

I've had a restful two weeks of summer. I'm getting sad that the season is almost over. Thankfully not before we spend some time in Calgary and reunite with friends and family! I'm looking forward to our trip and hope it's not cut short, even for a job interview. Am I crazy or what? I'd rather spend time with family and see my old friends again than, if its absolutely required, fly back home to be interviewed for a potential full time job in the September. Which is, by the way, in less than 2 weeks!

Okay, let me clarify first. I got an email from my school advisor yesterday telling me that there was a potential position - Humanities/Socials/English - opening at the school that I did my practicum at, and that I should apply for it. She cc'd the email to the new principal of the school, which means that she had probably spoken to her beforehand and told her about me. Anyway, she told me to email the principal for details and so I did. I found out that the position would be posted on the district website today but it wasn't purely Humanities but Family Studies too! Anyway, I decided to apply for it even though I'm technically not qualified to teach Family Studies. I've heard that it's not too complicated a subject, but I know planning for it (and even Hum) will be a lot of work. My school advisor told me that she had told the principal of my teaching and classroom management skills so at least she knows a bit about my qualifications already. Plus, I'd be taking over for a teacher that I knew during my practicum who went on mat leave, so I could probably use her stuff. However, I don't know if I even stand a chance since my concentration is English; but one never knows does one? God is known for His surprises.

But, I'm not putting my hopes up, and to be honest they aren't really up. I don't feel like working crazy hard after I just finished school. I kinda just wanna relax and TOC for a bit, low-stress style. Go to work and come home, no planning or marking or phone calls home to parents. But I know that working full time would be beneficial to my career in the long run - I would be able to move up the ladder quicker heehee. I also don't want to come home early from Calgary! The school year starts on the 4th and we come home the day before! It is ridiculous how late into summer these positions open up! Honestly, how do they expect teachers, especially first year teachers, to prepare or feel prepared in one week, even less? I don't know. They probably think we are super-human. Sometimes, teachers are ;P

Ultimately, I am trusting in the Lord's plan. If it is His will for me to work full time, then I know my strength and wisdom will come from Him 'cause I know I can't do it on my own strength. If you remember, please pray for God's will in this situation. Muchas gracias!

On a side, and completely irrelevant, note: Does anyone know how to change the ring tone for text messages on a Blackberry?

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