
Reaching for You

Life can be funny sometimes. That just goes to show that God has a sense of humor, whether we agree or like it, or not. One day your life can be going as usual and the next, totally "off course": met with surprise (like a surprise visit, news, encounter), sudden conflict, or an exchange of words you would have rather avoided. And after it comes, you're left with questions and/or exclamations like "What the heck just happened?" or "Why did this happen?" or "That was unexpected!" or "What do I do now?" I've been a victim of surprise in the last couple of weeks. And I know it's because God wants my attention. I've learned that everything happens for a purpose in light of eternity, and that everything that happens demands a godly response that is rooted in prayer. I haven't been all that prayerful lately, which is the reason for my lack of wisdom and lack of godly response to recent events that have occurred. I lack patience and am easily angered. I catch myself giving into pride without second thought. I'm self-centered and judgmental, easily annoyed and easily indifferent.

Lord, please break me once again. Give me a broken spirit and a contrite heart. Give me the strength that I need to follow you even when I don't know how to or where you are leading me. Teach me what it means to put the interests of others before my own; give me the courage that I need to speak the truth in love. Help me to love with a heart like Jesus.

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