
Less of Me in 2013

This year's (or more accurately, if I think about it, my life from this point on's) resolve, which I plan to take one day at a time considering the longevity of this task, is to decrease and allow Christ in me to increase. Why the increase of Christ in me and not more virtuous behavior, you ask? Because simply trying to be more kind or more generous or more loving won't stick for very long if the source of that virtue is merely my human goodness. I've tried. And have seen my pride get in the way time and again. The return of Jesus, or God taking me home, is imminent and can occur at any moment. It's time for a radical change. And a passionate, unsettling, zealous commitment to make "less of me" a reality this year, by God's grace and only through the Spirit's might.

Hold me to it, friends. I hope and pray that by the end of 2013, my life would have been an increasing testament to the kingship of Jesus Christ: the Creator and sustainer of all life, my Savior and God.

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