
24 hours

That's how long my shift as a mom, or more accurately 'caregiver', is every day. Sometimes I don't even know what time it is any more and I walk around permanently wired from running on 6 hours of interrupted sleep every night. Today was a rough day. Mischa started refusing to drink from a bottle at 2 months and since then I've tried (although not every day) to give her a bottle a day (sometimes twice a day) to help her re-learn what somehow slipped past her memory. Although from what I also hear, babies develop a preference at some point and clearly she decided she would not take anything artificial to get her meals. So that combined with introducing a new sleep-time technique to get her to fall asleep on her own without me having to rock or sway her to sleep made for an exhausting day. In the end, she took one bottle out of the three that I gave during feed times (after an hour of trying EACH time) and before bed tonight cried hysterically every time I tried to put her down awake but drowsy. She's asleep now, thankfully, after much "shhhhhh"-ing and patting. I'm beat.

This job has its work cut out for it!

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