
Just got home from a day trip/hike in Kananaskis Country. Dale's boss, Rob, wanted to show around their new post doc so he asked us to go for a hike up Mt. Indefatigable. What a name, eh? So we went. It was a BEAUTIFUL day. The hike up the mountain was pretty fun, as much as I huffed and puffed. I only seem to have a hard time at the beginning of a hike, perhaps because my body is getting used to the effort and energy its expending. Like the time Dale and I, Rob and Trace, and my Dad hiked up Sulfur Mountain in Banff, back in 2006. That was pretty hard for me at first, but it was worth the 3 hours in the end with the magnificent view (and we got to take the gondola down!). This time around was much easier, and we worked up a good sweat. We took some beautiful pictures but with Dale's camera phone cuz I forgot to bring my camera =( After the hike we drove over to Canmore and walked around downtown, which reminded me a lot of Whistler Village. Canmore is a beautiful town settled nicely beside the Rockies. Dale and I now have some good ideas of places that we can take our friends who have promised to come visit us from BC (yeah, YOU!)

Afterwards we had dinner at Rob's place. He's married to this wonderful, cute and easygoing lady named Amy who's just as smart as he is (she's a veterinary pathologist). This is the second time we've had dinner at their place and they always cook up a storm of good food. She's due any day now with their first child. They are a super nice couple and, as you can probably tell, really personable with their employees. We got to talking a bit about our involvement in the church and I invited them to come and visit our church one of these days (they know that we are part of the music team) and they said they definitely would. I know that it is not by chance that the Lord led Dale to this job and to have the employer that he does. In fact, to think of situations outside of a spiritual point of view is to think without the wisdom that comes from the Spirit:

"So from now on regard no one from a worldly point of view." 2 Cor. 5:16

I pray that God will give us opportunities to share our faith with this couple the more we get to know them and share a meal together.

All in all, it was a pretty physically productive day. I'm beat, sweaty and sticky all over. Time to get clean!

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