
Freedom ends tomorrow.

So today I went in for what turned out to be an interview at a high school (grades 10-12) near the U of C. When I spoke with the principal on Friday about meeting with him today, he referred to our meeting as a 'chat'. Thus, I didn't much prepare or think too deeply about it, except for pray for God's will (of course ;P). I walk into the school this morning, find out its actually an interview, and begin to panic. My heart starts pounding...and then I think 'God, you are something!' I knew he wanted me to completely depend on him because my mind was scattered with a million and one things they could possibly ask me. 'They' being the principal and assistant principal. At the end of the interview (which turned out to be only three questions long taken from three pages of questions!) they offered me the job. It's a mat leave and I'll be teaching English 10 and 11. Thank goodness I have a prep one block!

So, freedom officially ends tomorrow as I'm back in my cave planning like a madwoman. I really need to learn to find loopholes in the system of planning and marking, but I'm not gutsy enough yet...;P


Anonymous said...

Congrats Deeds, or Mrs. Balce?


Lori Aguinaldo said...

yay new job! i wish you could be MY english teacher =) maybe i'd enjoy english again. i loved it in high school, but my ENGL 111 prof is old and boring haha

yeah i'm definitely in calgary every couple of months - to visit family & friends. i usually drive down with robin. where in calgary do you live, or are you staying with your parents right now?