
My heart aches

In everything, all we can really do is pray. I don't know why things happen, or why they are happening, but I do know that my God is mighty. I hate to think the worst, and yet the worst has already arrived. Sin is sin regardless of how big or small we view it through human eyes. It's all the same to God: detestable, filthy, rooted in the old nature, and unfit for His children. It's amazing how we like to rationalize our actions in spite of what God has made plain and clear to us. Doing so is akin to sniffing the putrid smell of our vomit and finding it appealing. So why do we do it? That is the question of the ages and one that Paul makes so clear in the book of Romans. When we continually wrestle with sin, we are really wrestling with our unbelief. We don't truly believe God and His Word in its entirety; we don't truly believe that God is who he says he is and that he can do what he says he can do. If we truly did, why in the world would we settle for crap when God has put a feast before us?

Then He touched their eyes, saying, "It shall be done to you according to your faith."

It's easy to say "I have faith" when life is walking through the park. When it's not, how many of us can truly own this statement without a single doubt? I know I can't, but I am learning what it means to have faith and to live by it, moment by moment. I have faith that God can do a miracle in the heart of a person hardened by sin, pride, and guilt. I have faith that he can restore a husband and wife to oneness and unity because that is his will and desire. I have faith that my prayers are being heard and that they will not come back empty. I have faith that God can heal a tumor in the head of a woman with the power he used to raise Christ from the dead. I have faith that a daughter will realize the futility of rebellion and come back to her parents and family. I have faith that God will grow in me a heart of compassion as I walk daily in His Spirit. I have faith, but I need more and more of it. If I had faith as big as a mustard seed, I could move mountains.

Even when I feel discouraged, I will praise You Lord.


Rach said...

thought about u over the wkd. prayed "in faith" for u & ur family as well. the 1st study of believing God went well, we didn't get to watch the dvd coz the dvd player @ the church was making it skip, freeze, u know, technical difficulties. anyhoo, just wanted to say hi, & ur right sister! incomparable power!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ate! thanks for the comment...it's always great to hear from you. thanks for letting me know that you're still reading my blogs because i guess that's part of the reason why i write them in the first place, for ppl to read them? anyways, i hope everything is going okay for you...know that i'm praying for you. i trust that God will carry you through whatever you are going through right now. i'm not sure if you've heard that song "He will carry me" by mark shultz...but it reminds me that even though we walk through valleys of life, we have a God whose love, strength, grace can carry us through..Praise Him for He is bigger than our circumstances. i miss you...email me any time! love you -Air