
I'm feeling down. I both know and don't know why.

I just spent the last 5 hours prepping for the next two weeks. It was a very productive 5 hours, and it wasn't. It was because I was doing something related to my job which in turn provides an income which in turn helps pay for our basic necessities. And it wasn't because my spirit wasn't being fed; and it needs to be.

Which begs the question: Why am I blogging right now?

I don't know.


"Christ's love compels me..."

The church preaches the life-changing, sin-forgiving, all-powerful love of Christ that a person can experience in his or her life. We preach the gospel and we pray relentlessly for our unbelieving family and friends. And rightly so because the Word of God is true and so is the power of God that raised Jesus from the dead - that same power that is now at work within us (Eph. 3). There is no other name given in heaven or on earth from which we can be saved.

But I can't help but think: we eat our very words and deface the testimony of Christ when, within our own churches among those who are followers of Jesus, there is envy, dissension, jealousy, pride, gossip, slander, hatred, discord, rage, hypocrisy, malice. No wonder those we are trying to 'witness' to don't see any witness at all.

When we do not allow the Spirit to change us and yet preach Christ's power to change, we not only show ourselves as hypocrites, but we also defame Christ - God himself - in the eyes of the very people we are trying to 'win'.

Time for a reality check.


Weekend Recap

Friday night: Youth. The topic was "If we know we have been saved from death AND sin, why do we as Christians still wrestle or struggle with sin in our lives?" The answer has more layers than you think. Romans 5-6.

Saturday: Riding at Sunshine. A great day to say the least. My body aches all over (I am totally in shape) but working on my toe carves was worth all the wipe outs! This was pretty much an all day event. In the evening I could barely keep my eyes open to watch the sad Canucks game.

Sadly, below is the only memory I have of the day =(. Dale's phone camera is pretty clear though!


Sunday: Church in the morning, vietnamese for lunch, salmon and Dale's awesome potatoes for dinner, planning and marking all evening.

I don't know why I felt compelled to write about what I did this weekend when it was pretty regular (except for the snowboarding bit), but what are blogs without posts that simply reflect the external goings-on of the day?

Back to work tomorrow!


So, I was in the ladies staff bathroom doing my thing when I reached for the door to leave and I saw this:


I couldn't stop laughing! I know there is something horribly disturbing about this animation, but you have to admit: it's (disturbingly) funny.